"Thank you to our YMS POSSE for the new sound system in the Food Court! We appreciate the wonderful partnership between our parents and the school to make YMS a great place for kids everyday!"


Parents of Students/Staff/Educators

Email: [email protected]
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Yukonmiddleschoolp.o.s.s.e.



Billie Castrop and Shawna Elkins

Vice President

Joel Shattan


Cindy Hudspeth


Janet Bell

6th rep - Amber Green and Ashley Drake

7th grade rep - Tracy Mckeown

8th grade rep - Joanna Valdez

What POSSE does for YMS

The POSSE will support YMS with volunteer service, fundraising and an avenue for parents to participate in school activities.
POSSE encourages and welcomes all parents to participate.
Please contact us if you are interested in helping in any of the projects listed below.
POSSE Projects
Providing the school with additional equipment
Supporting teachers with extra supplies for special projects
Organizing teacher appreciation events
Teacher dinners during Parent/Teacher conferences
Birthday gifts for teachers and staff
Staffing the concession stand for YMS home sporting events
YMS T-Shirts are available for purchase